Ethernaut Delegation

The Delegate Call

In order for a contract to interact with other contracts, solidity provides 3 methods: call, delegatecall and staticcall.


The call function is a way for one contract to interact with another contract by invoking its functions. This execution happens in the context of the called contract till returning the value and the context back to the calling contract.


The delegatecall function is how one can create libraries in ethereum. A contract having a bulk of functions that can have its methods used in various scenarios by other contracts, multiple times. This execution will happen in the context of the calling contract only.


The staticcall function is similar to the call, in the way that it also invokes other contract functions. However, it can only be used in read-only functions, as it makes sure the called function won’t change any state. In case the called function would change any state, the execution will be unsuccessful.

This post scope will mainly focus on the call and delegatecall solidity functions.

The challenge consists of two contracts, Delegate and Delegation. The Delegation contracts keeps track of the address of Delegate…



Diogo Pereira |

I help organisations build cyber-resilient applications, bring security awareness and mindset growth tips to interested individuals